benefit concert of Calicantus children's choir




The next benefit concert of the Calicantus choir will be held on Friday 27 October in the Collegio Papio church in Ascona at 8.30 pm. It will be dedicated to raising funds for the NGO ApusSon, a non-governmental organisation active since 2011 in favour of poor families in the Andean community of Cusco, Perù.
ApusSon offers an articulated programme of support ranging from after-school activities to awareness-raising projects in the fields of education and sustainable development.
Since 2018, Inti Gabriela Salazar, a 25-year-old from Locarno, has been co-director of the organisation and acts as a bridge to Switzerland, in particular Ticino.
Last 28 March in Arequipa, Peru, Rosa, a mother of the NGO ApusSon, died, killed in an assault by thieves. Rosa left eight orphans, two of whom were already of age and independent, three in the care of their fathers and three girls in the care of their maternal uncle's family. This family, however, lives in precarious conditions, so much so that an inspection by the Ministry of Women's Affairs (MIMP) ordered the removal of the girls from the family due to the unlivable nature of this arrangement. ApusSon took action to coordinate an alternative solution with MIMP: to improve their home. In fundraising, the Locarnese co-director got back in touch with Mario Fontana, director of the Calicantus choir, where she sang for 12 years. It was precisely from Ticino, where the association Amici di ApuSon has existed since 2021, that generous contributions arrived, enabling the house to be extended. The fostering of the three girls in an orphanage was thus averted. The next step to improve the quality of life of these girls involves a surgical operation to solve a genetic problem related to the mobility of the hands and feet of their younger sister aged 4.
The Calicantus Choir's concert aims to raise as much as possible for this operation and for ApusSon's activities. Works by Boleslavsky, Festa, Lvovski, Kastal'skij, Antognini, Uusberg, Gershwin, Riva, Toshiyuki, Lennon-McCartney, Crosby, Stills, Nash and international folklore will be performed.


  • Music