Kinderzirkus Robinson “Voyage voyage”




'A circus show for the whole family', in the circus tent in the Casa del Clown garden at Teatro Dimitri.  

"Voyage voyage", the new program by the Robinson children's circus ensemble, is a tribute to the era of steam locomotives and night trains, and to the art of travel, which goes far beyond mere locomotion. 40 young artists transform a train station into a circus stage, letting dreams glide on rails.  On their artistic journey, noble ladies dance on high ropes and wild guys perform gymnastics on luggage trolleys.

Come along and enjoy the elegance of the train birds as they soar southwards to the beat of the tango and the exquisite service of the conductors, who celebrate the art of hospitality on unicycles.

A show for young and old.

For the whole family | 85 min. with 20 min. interval | Circus, without words


  • Theatre