Federico Gad Crema




Federico Gad Crema piano

Claude Debussy (1862–1918)

Images (libro 1)

Robert Schumann (1810–1856)

Studi sinfonici, op.13

Thomas Adès (*1971)

Mazurkas, op. 27

Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849)

Scherzo n.3 op.39 in do diesis minore

Over the course of just a quarter of a century, the stock of pianist Federico Gad Crema has risen exponentially, accumulating a series of major successes along the way: his début at La Scala in Milan in 2018, concerts and tours with top international orchestras, and the founding in 2023 of the Peace Orchestra Project, a fantastic initiative based on the concept of using the evocative power of sound and music to foster community integration. The exciting (and challenging) programme he has chosen spans nineteenth-century grandeur (Schumann’s Symphonic Studies and Chopin’s Scherzo No.3), impressionist light and shade (Debussy's first book of Images) and a disorienting mazurka by contemporary British composer Thomas Adès.

Tickes: https://www.ticketcorner.ch/fr/event/settimane-musicali-di-ascona-2024-palazzo-societa-elettrica-sopracenerina-18365648/


  • Music
  • Classical music