Choirs reunited for Vallemaggia - benefit concert




On Sunday, October 2024, starting at 11 a.m., the charity event “Choirs United for Vallemaggia” will be held at Palexpo Locarno with the following program:

Beginning at 11 a.m. - Greetings from the authorities and aperitif.
- Maria Luisa Ferrari, president Corale Valmaggese
- Christian Vitta, president of the Council of State
- Nicola Pini, mayor of Locarno
- Gabriele Dazio, mayor of Lavizzara
- Wanda Dadò, mayor of Cevio

Between the speeches there will be an interlude by the Gruppo Cantiamo Sottovoce.

12 noon - Lunch for all
Menu: polenta and mortadella or cheese / polenta and milk.

2 p.m. - Concerts begin
- Corale Valmaggese
- Corale FAT
- Corale St. Antonio di Arcegno
- Cantori delle Cime
- Duo Paolo Tomamichel and Sandra Eberle
- Ticines da Minüs
- Cantiamo Sottovoce

At the end coffee, cakes and singing together.

A play area for children is planned.


  • Music