Easter Dove - The recipe


A particularly delicious tradition of Easter in Ticino are the Colombe di Pasqua, the Easter doves. Sweet yeast pastries, for the Easter table, that taste the best when made by the master bakers of Ticino according to their well-guarded recipes (some of them sell  online). A simplified version to try at home can be found here.


  1. Mix the ingredients for the pre-mixture and work it until finely kneaded. Leave to rest for 1 hour;
  2. Place the dough, flour and yeast in a large bowl. Add the milk, orange blossom water, sugar and vanilla sugar and mix until a dough is obtained;
  3. Add salt and continue kneading;
  4. Gradually add the egg yolk and then the butter. Knead everything well (about 10 minutes);
  5. When the consistency of the dough is smooth, add the fruit;
  6. Cover the bowl with a cloth (or plastic wrap). Let the dough rest until it is twice as large;
  7. Form an Easter dove and place it on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Let the dough rise again for another 20-30 minutes;
  8. Mix the ingredients for the icing well and gently brush the surface of the dove. Place a few whole almonds on the icing;
  9. Place in the lower part of the oven preheated to 180 °C (upper/lower heat) and bake for 35-40 minutes;
  10. Sprinkle the dove with icing sugar once out of the oven.

A recipe of schweizerbrot.ch


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