Antonio Calabrò exhibition



From to

The artist was born in Brissago on June 28, 1933 where he lived until his demise on December 16, 2018.
During 1958/59 he went to the Art Academy in Bayern.
He exposed within several joint expositions in the Locarno area, as well as personal expositions in Switzerland.
His paintings express passion through color, shape and visual images, they transforms into poetry and seek mystery through symbols. The art schools he frequented in Italy and Germany shaped uniquely his technic, not his soul, which remained profoundly Mediterranean and sunny.
After a long search, Antonio Calabrò initiated a new personal style, which was inspired by tendencies from surrealism to impressionism. His works become ‘messages’.
In 1989 he received from ‘Accademia d’Europa’ in Naples the first price of the ‘Grand Prix Méditerranée’ for surrealism and in 1998 the second Price for ‘Avanguard’, as well as being nominated member of the Academy.His paintings can be found in many private collections and public expositions in Switzerland and abroad. Since 1994, his bronze statue “Il Pescatore” is located at the new harbor in Brissago, it symbolizes his work on the shores of the Lago Maggiore.


  • Exhibitions and fairs