“Non è tutto come sembra” – Svizzera Teatro amatoriale




Teatro delle Contrade Amateur Theatre

With: Patrizia Bernardinello, Rebecca Canetti, Monica Cattomio, Antonio Lisi, Veronica Naretto, Stefano Nencioni, Rahel Zambelli.
Adaptation and direction: Fabrizio Pestilli

In Anton Chekhov's Chorister, Valia the chorister looks like a prostitute, her 'client' Kolpakov looks like a rich lover and Nina, the betrayed wife, looks desperate; but don't trust her, they will ultimately reveal themselves for what they really are.
In Amicizia by Edoardo de Filippo, Alberto goes to visit Bartolomeo, his sick and dying childhood friend who is lovingly cared for by his sister Carolina; don't be fooled: friends are not what they seem!
Arturo is a dangerous husband, his wife Dorotea a shrewish woman and Michele a friend of his who is looking for a room that Arturo can make available to him. Even in Edoardo de Filippo's Pericolosamente (Dangerously), appearances are deceiving, you will be surprised by what happens. Gregorio, a gruff artillery lieutenant on leave, Elena, a grieving widow with her faithful servant Luca, all immersed in an affair of unpaid bills of exchange, are the elements of Rubestich, translated by the Teatro delle Contrade into dialect from Chekhov's Bear, the story will reveal the true nature of the characters, because not everything is as it seems!

CHF 20.
CHF 15.- AVS
Members CHF 17/12.
Info: [email protected]


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