Luoghi d'arte nel locarnese

The "Luoghi d'arte del locarnese" (Locarno's places of art) project stems from the desire of modern and contemporary art museums and foundations to offer, at a single glance, the rich and varied range of cultural activities in the area. It is a new and unprecedented project that unites public and private entities and is based on a feeling of cohesion and collaboration, values that are indispensable for the proactive and constructive development of such a far-reaching initiative.

The participating institutions are: the Elisarion Cultural Centre and Museum, the Ghisla Foundation, the Remo Rossi Foundation, the Casa Rusca Museum and the Casorella Museum, the Marguerite Arp Foundation, the Castello San Materno Museum and the Ascona Municipal Museum of Modern Art, the Monte Verità Foundation, the Centovalli and Pedemonte Museum, the Carlo Mazzi Gallery and the International Sculpture Centre Peccia.